The 4 Best Things About Unlined Bras

Unlined bras really are the best thing that’s happened in a long time. Various minimalist lingerie styles have taken hold over the last few years as women have finally decided they’re done with everything they’ve been told about what a bra should or shouldn’t be. Many women stopped wearing bras altogether for a while there as a sign of protest. But with so many empowering unlined styles on the market—that not only add a style element to an outfit but provide comfortable support—there are plenty of reasons to love high-quality unlined bras. Less fabric means less bulk, for starters. Find out some other benefits to wearing an iconic design that feels light and freeing. Plunging Bra Unlined Bras Are for Everyone If you’ve never tried an unlined bra, you definitely need to. It doesn’t matter what size you are, everyone can successfully wear an unlined bra. You just need to know your cup and band size in a particular brand, so you know you’re wearing the right size. As you know, many wome...